Archive for April, 2007


Lots of lovin’ going around…

April 30, 2007

**Can the script get any smaller?!?!  Trying to work on that….** 

So…the In-Laws are back on the road and yes, they’re in one piece.  Even Ruggles enjoyed his stay.  Ruggles is their MALE Schnoodle.  He Looooooooves Rivka…in a very romantic sense.  And Rivka Loooooooves to be swooned by Ruggles.  Hello?  Ruggles.  Rivka.  It’s a match made in heaven.  (Although it’s a bit creepy having a male dog by the name of Ruggles…sorry, JuJu!) It’s just a shame that Rivka can’t be a bit more lady-like around Ruggles.  Actually she’s a straight out hu*ssy.  She’s even willing to lay down to get to his level!  I can’t tell you how many times I had to tell him to “get off her!”  I was in no way ready to have that kind of conversation with Gremlin!  Thankfully he just watched and smirked.

We thought the weather was going to get the best of us, but we finally had a clearing on Friday and got to go to Silver Dollar City.  It was a beautiful day and surprisingly not very many people in line to ride the rides.  I think the majority of the people there (and it was packed!) was the older crowd there to see the World Fest entertainers.  There weren’t any from
India so I wasn’t real interested.  We hardly had to wait in line for rides so it was a perfect day as far as that goes.

It was funny….OldMan was going on and on (like he ALWAYS does) about how he’s “not going to ride on that scary Wildfire.  No way…not going to happen.  It’s just plain nuts, what people will do to themselves!  Old people wouldn’t even do something like that!” (What the hey-hoo has that got to do with anything?!)  The funny part was we were SURROUNDED by old people.  One particular lady turned around and smirked at him.  As his eyes got as big as saucers, he knew he got busted.  She looked him dead in the eyes and said, “This old lady rode the Wildfire!”  Oldman just turned around and mumbled under his breath, “Dumb, OldMan…real dumb.”


WFMW – Perfect Over Easy Eggs

April 25, 2007


I’m completely, whole-heatedly stealing this from my mum.  We are an “over easy” kind of family when it comes to fried eggs.  Meaning cooked whites…wiggly yellows.  I personally get all kinds of verclempt-ness going when it comes to flipping the eggs.  I’m now saved from this drama…..

Cook your eggs in any product you choose (with butter or bacon fat…as IF anything else should be used besides bacon fat!), but after it’s in the pan, put a lid on it for 3 minutes, exactly.  Viola!  Done.  No flipping.  Perfect over easy eggs.

Head on over to Shannon’s for more tips on OTHER more important tips!


Touch and go…

April 23, 2007

The In-laws have arrived, so I’ll be here on a touch and go basis this week.  This morning we’re off to enjoy a little shopping at Bass Pro with a wonderful lunch buffet at Hemingways (the restaurant upstairs in Bass Pro).  Gremlin absolutely LOVES going to Bass Pro…he gets to “test drive” every single boat and 4 wheeler in the showroom!  How fun for us all….!

BTW…just checked in to see how much was given For Heather and we’re over $15,000!!!!  It’s amazing!  There are some AWESOME, giving bloggers out there.