Archive for July, 2007


All beef patty, but looks Vegan

July 31, 2007

Call me a bad mom, but I really try stay as far away from McDonald playgrounds as much as possible.  I hate Mikki-D’s food anyway, but the idea of what is in those tubes, just about sends me over.  However, today, the boys were just so dang good while I had to run around all morning that I decided to reward them with some poop-slimed, puke-filled crawling tubes!  When we pulled up it looked like there were no other kids yet…YEAH!!!!  But out of no where 23 pre-schoolers came running at us from all directions, screaming their heads off!  Gremlin quickly grabbed my leg.  Oldman’s jaw dropped and he whispered in awe, “Look at ’em mom….there’s tons of ’em….”

I think the thing that was more stunning than 23 little people swarming us like mad bees, was the fact that there were only 2 adults with them!  Stupid yet amazing….

I walked away from McD’s with sweat running down my back, McNasty in my stomach and ketchup in the strangest places.  I only had 2 boys to deal with.  I can’t imagine what those 2 ladies ended up looking like, but I can guarantee you they don’t get paid enough to wash that amount of ketchup out of their hair tonight.

To top it off, I found a little extra bonus that thrills me to the bone.

Some God-ordained person has invented God’s gift to ALL women! Well, except for maybe Paris or Nichol.  Have you heard about the latest feature on some of the HP cameras??  It can take off 10 lbs!!!!!  Dear Lord!  I couldn’t decide if it was invented by a mom or a husband who’s tired of hearing his wife complain about those 10 lbs that just won’t come off.

All in all it was a tiring but good day.  Boys are in bed exhausted and that’s where I should be.  Till tomorrow….


The Challange – I’m back…maybe

July 31, 2007

So I was checking up on my Bloglines and saw the Katie was up and back on the Tales from the Scales Weigh In.  I felt a TAD bit guilty for not following through on this weight-loss thing.  I’ve been discouraged about this weight thing for weeks.  It drives me me batty to check my weight.  I get about as obsessive as checking my sitefeeder!  As if my weigh will go down and stay down every 2 hours!!!

SO!  I’m going to get back at it and see what I can do for the next 7 weeks.  I’m probably not going to weigh myself every week…more like every other week.  That way I can focus on WHAT I’m doing vs. what it LOOKS like I’m doing.

 Watch out ya’ll…I’m motivated!


Calling it quits…eventually

July 29, 2007

So…I’ve been dealing with self pity for 2 whole days now.  I entered anywhere from 25-30 giveaways and with my husbands mathmatical equations (ratio of wins vs. losses, blah, blah, blah….) running through my head I just KNEW I would win at least 1 small thing! But alas…that was not to be.  Not a single notification.

(Other than Stacey’s let-me-rub-it-in-your-face comments.  She didn’t just win 1 prize, but 2 and one of them was a GRAND prize.  I’ll never hear the end of it now….sheesh!)

I had wrtten off ALL contests!  They were getting out of control anyway! 

But then….

Did you know that 5 minutes for mom is giving away a stinkin’ 37″ plasma TV from Best Buy????  How could I resist???