Archive for August, 2007


Ode to the crazy Danish woman

August 28, 2007

Gma Marie

Sunday morning, J got the call this his grandmother passed away.   We knew it was coming.  She had been diagnosed with Acute Leukemia a month earlier.  Pneumonia kept slipping into her lungs.  On August 26, 2007, while J was talking to the kids in Missouri about his sassy grandma, in Florida, she was raising her arms to heaven and saying, “I want to see my Jesus” and she was gone before her arms fell back to her side.

I could say that Marie was a spunky lady, but that seems to do her no justice.  This woman made me want to pull my hair out one minute then the next she’s making me pee my pants cause she’s cracking me up so hard!  She had some wacked out ideas and ways:

1. I remember talking with her about hair.  She went once a week to her “beautician” to get her hair done; either colored, cut or just plain “done up”.  She never did her own and wouldn’t wash it in between.  I told her I wished I could afford to get my hair done more often and she asked me what I paid.  Lordy!  I thought she was going to cast the hair demon out of me right then and there!  “WHY in the world would you give that kind of money to someone who just does hair?  You tip?!?!?  Oh, I NEVER.  It’s their job.  If they don’t like it enough to do it without a tip, then they should just get out!  Jesus help ’em.”

2. That woman loved Jesus, but I think the devil took over her soul when she played Euchre or Zonko.  She was conniving and greedy!  And she kicked our tail-ends every. single. game. 

3.  She was a mama to everyone.  Doesn’t matter how old or young.  She would drive me nuts when it came to feeding my babies.  She would ALWAYS over feed them and then tell me it’s healthy for them to puke half of it up!  On the other hand, nobody can jiggle gas out of a baby better than Marie!! 

I miss picking on you, Marie…I miss you picking on me…kind of.  Marie, I know that you are finally where you so dearly wanted to be.  I’m happy you no longer have to feel discomfort and anxiety.  You are loved by your family….Howard’s heart is breaking every minute without you.  Better get your mansion in order cause I’m sure he’ll join you soon.  Love, your awnry granddaughter-in-law….Jen

**J will be officiating the funeral so I’ll be out more than in this week.


Ta-Daaaa!!! My friend!

August 25, 2007

I have a new blogging friend (besides my dear BFF Stacey).

Ya’ll meet Ms. Can’t Be Wrong.  She has just started blogging, and I think she’s a hoot.  She’s the hot new thing that took over for me as Director of UnGodly Children Elementary at church.  Something about that job just makes you need to blog!!

Anyway she’s horribly busy, but you guys should pop over there and play nice with my new friend.  Don’t tell her all the horrors of blogging either….she’s just a little new (she’s only got like 4 or 5 people on her blogroll!), so let her find it all out by herself.

Just to give you an idea of just how warped she is, I thought I’d share with you a little note she sent me.  Remember Gremlin’s puking issues earlier this week?  She got the same thing, from the same place…..

 I had the turkey.  Then I shot it out both ends.
Cool visual, huh.  Dehydration was my biggest
concern.  Plus, I HAD to come into work yesterday.  I
think I may have dislocated my left eyeball when I was
puking, because it just hasn’t been the same since.
Today, I’m just woozy.  Apple sauce and Sonic’s
grilled cheese seem to be my friend.  I’m a total wuss
at being sick.  I suppose it’s best if I’m the one in
the house puking.  I have a very weak stomach so if
T**** or A*** puke I’m following up with the encore!

I laughed so hard when I got that!!!  That was dang funny!  Sarcasm is a service she can dish up well.

 On a side note, I know I’ve been a bit scarce this past few days….Sunday is the grand opening to our new sactuary and NPC doesn’t do ANYTHING small so we’ve been pulling some long nights every day this week to be in tip-top shape.  Hopefully I’ll get some pictures to show ya’ll.  See ya on Monday!!


TT – My baby boys

August 22, 2007



I love this photo…taken through the car window when
Gremlin was around 5-6 months


OldMan, 2yo showing off a carnival prize (had to distort
name on the balloon-that’s why it looks funny)

Wanted to give a shout out to my boys this Thursday.  I needed to be reminded what was so dang lovable about those two, cause cleaning up “wet poop” and vomit for 3 days (and nights!) from both (that’s right ladies and gents, BOTH) boys has me wondering why I quit my day job for this.

(I almost had my husband convinced that smoking weed…that, of course, Jesus I’m sure grew in the Garden of Eden…was ok for stressed out moms.  Ok, so he wasn’t all that convinced, but I tried real hard!)